
Locksmith Scam in Charleston

How to Avoid Getting Scammed by a Locksmith

Did you know there’s over 20 scam locksmith companies right here in Charleston. Read this blog to avoid getting scammed.

How to extend the life of a car key?

How To Extend The Life Of A Car Key?

The most important part of keeping your car key in good shape is not having too many keys on your keychain. Here’s why…

Top Reasons To Get a Spare Key.

You may find yourself in a situation where you have lots of important places to be. And then.. Boom!… you lost your keys. Trust me, I have seen this many times and I am here to help if that is the case. However, we want to save our customer’s time and money as best as we can. Being proactive is the best way to do this. Having a spare key will will protect you…

How much does a car key replacement cost?

In 2022, the cost of a car key replacement ranges between $75 to $300. 

We’ve compiled a list of what determines the cost of a car key replacement.

  • Year, Make & Model of Vehicle…
  • Type of Car Key or Key Fob…
  • Whether You Have a Working Key…
  • Where the Vehicle Is Located…
How long does it take to get a new car key?

How long does it take to get a car key replacement?

In 2022, getting a car key replacement can be relatively fast if you’re using an experienced locksmith. Somewhere in the 20 to 30 minute range. This varies between vehicles and some could take up to an hour to get a car key replacement cut and programmed. Most modern car keys and fobs today have transponder chips in them which may require the key or fob to be programmed to the vehicle…

The good, The Bad, and the Ugly of losing your car keys.

I get it. Nobody wants to call a locksmith. Some find it embarrassing, foolish, and extremely frustrating, but I can assure you, this has happened to everybody at least once. Ideally, if you have a spare, you are in the clear…

How long does it take to get a new car key?

What to do if your car key isn’t working?

We’ve compiled a list of what to do if your car key isn’t working. Often times the battery in the vehicle or key fob is weak and is preventing the vehicle from unlocking or starting. It’s important to try jump starting the vehicle first or changing the battery in the key fob. 

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