How Much Does a Car Key Replacement Cost?

In 2020, the cost of a car key replacement ranges between $75 to $300.

We’ve compiled a list of what determines the cost of a car key replacement.

  • Year, Make & Model of Vehicle
  • Type of Car Key or Key Fob
  • Whether You Have a Working Key
  • Where the Vehicle Is Located

  • Year, Make & Model of Vehicle: Much of the cost of a car key replacement is determined by the year, make and model of the vehicle. Many new cars have high-tech transponder chips in the keys that need to be paired with the vehicle by a dealer or auto locksmith. These transponder keys cost can range from $75 and up to $200 with cutting and programming services. Some push-to-start cars have remote transmitters or key fobs. These keys also require programming which can range between $125 on the low end and up to $500 for luxury cars. Older cars and car keys without transponder chips will cost between $10 and $15 for a copy and up to $150 if all keys are lost.  
  • Type of Car Key or Key Fob: Many different cars require different car keys. Some modern vehicles are push-to-start which require remote transmitters or key fobs. While other modern vehicles may require a remote key. Remote transmitters can be fairly pricey. For example, a remote transmitter for a 2018 Toyota Camry can cost upwards to $300 for a new original Toyota remote transmitter with cutting and programming services. New original Ford remote keys or flip keys can cost $200 or more. Another alternative to many car keys is a generic “look-alike” to the original remote key or remote transmitter. These generic keys can cost between $100 to $200 with cutting and programming services.
  • Whether You Have a Working Key: Cost can also depend on if you currently have a working key or not. If you have a working key, a locksmith can copy the cuts directly from your current key, which can save you a lot of money. If you have lost all your keys, a locksmith may be required to purchase the key code directly from the manufacturer, which could increase cost of the replacement. For example, a lost car key for a Ford F150 can range between $150 to $225
  • Where the Vehicle Is Located: If you find yourself in a remote location and have lost your keys, your cost for a replacement may be higher. The reason for this is, you may be required to tow your car to the dealer or a locksmith must come to your location with the required equipment and that may require them to increase their service charge for going outside of their service area. 

If you want to learn more about your vehicle and don’t have the time to research what is required for your vehicle, or just need advice about what your best possible option is for getting a car key replacement, you can reach out to us by using our live chat feature or call 843-419-5397.

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